In some pictures, the safety
line rope and floats have been
removed from the pool for pho-
tographic purposes. The safety
line should be permanently
attached at all times.
Sentry Pool strongly
recommends the use of
handrails or grab rails with all
ladders and pool stairs for
user's safety. In some
instances hand rails were
removed for photographic pur-
poses. Again for user's safety,
we urge you to equip all stairs
with handrails.
Entertain in style, retreat from the everyday pressures from the world around you. Let Sentry Swimming Pool transform your backyard into a Paradise to be enjoyed by you and your family for years to come.
Sentry offers a complete line of pools with sizes and shapes to suit your home. You may want to further enhance the graceful beauty of your swimming pool with shrubbery or select plantings to create a natural lining windbreak. A sturdy hedge or stand of trees can not only offer welcome shade in the summer but privacy and seclusion from the day-to-day world. Expand the beauty of your home while enjoying your own perfect oasis.
When you go on vacation whether you're traveling, camping, golfing, or spending time at a resort you'll have to budget both time and expenses. With a Sentry pool you can enjoy your vacation and leisure time without worrying about gas prices, emergency repairs, traffic jams or parking tickets. Owning a pool makes every weekend a resort vacation without driving a single mile, saving valuable time and money while maintaining your chosen lifestyle.
Pool constructed by
The NeJames Pools,
Poughkeepsie, NY