Pool constructed by Gym & Swim if Louisville, KY
Field Tested and Proven
Thermo Guard is in use right now in a
variety of construction. Projects where
corrosion protection is essential to main-
tain the integrity of a steel structure. It is
used by the U. S. Fisheries in creating
environmentally safe hatchery units. It is
also applied to pipe and valve units in
many hydroelectric, nuclear-powered gen-
erating plants and geothermal installa-
tions. Many contractors rely on this
material for corrosion protection on both
complete and spot applications. The list
of possible applications seems almost
endless. And now Sentry brings Thermo Guard
to your backyard.
Complete Corrosion Protection
Each pool combines modern technology with the
time tested strength of steel for lasting corrosion
protection. Thermo Guard, a specially formulat-
ed material that repels rust and corrosion!
How is a Thrmo Guard pool created? Each 14
gauge steel panel is zinc galvanized to strict
industry standards, then completely sealed in
Thermo Guard material. This process allows
Sentry Pools to stand up to extreme weather
Thermo Guard material offers many
advantages including:
panels to form a lasting resistant surface
edges and welds
stand up to heavy blows, even bending
without significant damage to their
corrosion protective seal.