Pool constructed by VIP Pools of Hamlin, NY
Sentry's line of home pools includes shapes and sizes adaptable to practically any yard. Your Sentry dealer
will work with you to select the site and pool design best suited to your landscaping.
Plan for Energy Savings
Take advantage of solar by placing the pool in the sunniest spot in the yard. Sunlight brings warmth
to the water, also a solar blanket absorbs heat from the sun and reducing heating and chemical costs as
much as 40 to 60 percent.
Wind Chill Factor - 3
Wind chill isn't just a winter phenome-
non. A good stiff breeze and a steady
wind will steal the heat away from your
pool and make your heater work harder,
while increasing energy costs dramati-
cally! A good windbreak can be invalu-
able, not only for its energy savings but
also for the sense of privacy it offers.
Pool constructed by Pyramid Pools, Bellmore Village, NY