Protecting the Vulnerable Among Us

Rochelle Arnold • June 5, 2022

Help Secure the Vote


Of the most despicable things I can think of and absolutely despise, is the abuse and exploitation of the elderly. Once upon a time, people actually honored their father and mother and respected the aging. But in today’s society it seems to have become more of a fairytale. Those among us who are older and often times frail or mentally incapacitated in some manner, are frequently taken advantage of and frankly it is disgusting.

We all have a duty to protect those who have been faithful mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and upstanding community members, which have surely made a difference in our world. Worse yet, people who find themselves in nursing homes and assisted living facilities are even more prone to be taken advantage of. I was always incredibly involved with my own mother’s healthcare but never thought much about her vote literally being stolen.

Vulnerable Voters include seniors in the community, military voters, those residing in group homes, nursing home and assisted living residents, veterans’ homes, and homeless shelters. This article will focus primarily on those being taken advantage of in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

The Issue of Fraud

One strategy used to influence the outcome of an election is to prevent or discourage specific groups of people from voting. Sometimes there might be fear and intimidation used to steal an elders vote and other times it is as simple as a perpetrator filling out a nursing home resident’s ballot without authorization. It is important to emphasize that all voters have a right to vote at a polling place with their vote secured by two Election Judges and a voter that resides in a nursing home or assisted living facility does not lose their rights.

“There are also issues such as ballot harvesting, a non-secure method of collecting absentee voters' ballots during elections with the stated intent of dropping them off to election offices or polling places. Illegal in some states. Ballot trafficking is the illegal collection or submission of election ballots. There is no defense for this practice. Group home facilities are particularly susceptible.” (ACRU-American Constitutional Rights Union)

For the most part assisted living and nursing home staff are lacking the fundamental training to be able to stop voter fraud or they themselves engage in fraud. Un-monitored “assistance” with ballot requests and/or ballot submission creates opportunities for coercion. Often times there are those who are not able to conscientiously vote because of cognitive issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s and their ballot is submitted anyway.

Be Aware and Proactive

Being situationally aware of the circumstances that put your loved one at risk is key. Be mindful of who is helping them with ballots and recognize if they been coerced to vote one way or another. Has anyone tried to change voter registration or request an absentee ballot for your family member with advanced dementia or tried to make them “fill out a ballot?”

According to the ACRU, there are some practical steps friends and family members can take to uphold voter integrity in nursing home and assisted living facilities.

Schedule time to speak with the director of your loved one's living facility and politely ask the following questions:

1.      Are you training staff on the criminal penalties for vote fraud and the laws that they must follow to protect residents from suppression and fraud?

2.      What are you doing to protect the residents from possible vote suppression and fraud?

3.      What measures are taken to protect the chain of custody of absentee ballots?

4.      What measures are being taken to protect absentee ballots from ballot harvesters / traffickers?

5.      Is this nursing home designated as a polling location?

A Sad Reality

“In Michigan, a nursing home worker was jailed for fraud. In Texas, a social worker was convicted on multiple counts of voter fraud. Nursing home voter fraud is so rampant in Wisconsin that it led to legislation appointing the Office of Special Counsel to investigate further cases.” –Lori Roman, ACRU President

Illinois Freedom Alliance has established a Vulnerable Voter Committee and believe many of these problems can be rectified by simply requesting that your facility become a polling place for elderly residents. You will be provided with two Election Judges(one from each political party) who will ensure that all correct affidavits are filled out by voters who need assistance, protecting not only the voter but the staff.

Election Judges are trained in both election suppression and fraud. These officials will make sure the chain of custody is followed for each ballot. For more information and guidance on this subject contact Illinois Freedom Alliance at their headquarters located at 1529 46th Avenue, Suite 6, Moline, by calling 309-377-1776 or by stopping by during their regular business hours. (

Vote Fraud Hotline 888-820-VOTE and for more information on vulnerable voters and how you can help please go to

The American Constitutional Rights Union, 4089 Tamiami Trail N. A-204 Naples, FL 34103

Phone: 877-730-ACRU (2278)

Web: American Constitutional Rights Union

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