So here we are winding down 2022 and what should we expect in 2023 and beyond? Your guess is as good as mine, but I have a few ideas. First, what are we thankful for in 2022? I know, let us dig deep! If we have learned anything over the last two years, it should be that things are definitely not what they appear to be. Conspiracy theories put aside, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the enemy has a definitive agenda, and that agenda isn’t good. But I am thankful for those of us who still believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
We can expect evil to still come and try to kill, steal, and destroy, but we can also expect that God is bigger than that evil, and in the end, we win! The Bible talks about a time when gross darkness falls upon the earth, and grosser upon the people. (Isaiah 60:2) But the light or glory of the Lord comes upon those who believe in Jesus Christ and his Word. Be careful and alert, diligent, and sober, for the devil roams the earth seeking whom he may devour. But you don’t have to be devoured, when you stand against the wiles of the enemy, stand in your God-given authority.
Going into the new year I think it is important to be still and wait on the Lord. Psalm 37 tells us to not fret or be angry over those who do evil, do not envy those who do wrong. For they wither quickly like the grass and wilt like tender plants. The scripture goes on to say, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. It says in the time of evil the righteous will not be ashamed, and in the days of famine they will be satisfied.”
Psalm 37 is full of insight, wisdom, and instruction. Verse 23: “The steps of a man are ordered by the Lord who takes delight in his journey. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, for the Lord is holding his hand.” And for those false prophets and teachers who say a Christian can lose their salvation, Psalm 37 beginning in verse 28 says, “For the Lord loves justice and will not forsake His saints. They are preserved forever, but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off. The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.”
We have a lot of promises from God that we can stand on and my discernment tells me that we will have to do just that. It is going to take a miraculous work of God to turn this world around. It won’t be by power or might, but by the spirit of the Lord.” (Zechariah 4:6) Beware less any man deceive you into believing otherwise.
Though many do not realize it, we are in a spiritual battle beyond our wildest imaginations. There is so much destruction and oppression around us and a quiet holocaust happening as millions of people around the world have, “suddenly died.” There is no doubt that the powers that be, are culling the herd, whether you want to believe it or not. But physical death is not to be feared but fear HIM who can destroy both soul and body in hell! Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. (Matthew 10:28)
Many Christians have been martyred around the world and now in China people are being permanently locked down or exterminated if they refuse the COVID-19 measures. I just saw a news headline from here in America and it said, “It’s Time to Wear Masks Again!” Even though there is no science behind wearing a stinking mask, the oppressor seeks to oppress and muzzle the truth. My guess is the war will continue until Jesus parts the heavenly clouds and comes for his bride. Will you be part of the believers who will be translated out of here before it gets really bad? I know I will! We simply must be aggressive in prayer and look for his coming.
I don’t want to be a gloom and doomer, but let’s be realistic, either things are going to turn around for the good, or this world will continue to spiral out of control leaving devastation in its wake. In light of eternity, it is all temporary, but still there is, and will be, suffering with trials and tribulations. No matter what happens, we win in the end. I know it’s hard to do and we have to do it by faith but take heart and believe because Jesus has overcome the world. In HIM, we can have peace. (John 16:33)
Buckle up my friends, it’s going to be a crazy ride!
About the Author
Rochelle Arnold graduated from RHEMA Bible School and is the Founder of Change the World Ministries. Her desire is to impact the culture for Christ through sound teaching and the fine arts. Author of Rags or Robes: Finding Your Identity in Christ & SOJOURNERS: In a Strange Land available on Amazon